Contemporary Graphic Literature

For this I read Alice in Sunderland, it's an interesting telling of the Sunderland history and how it ties in with Lewis Carroll's stories. Alice in Sunderland is neither fiction nor a coherent narrative. It's a tour of Sunderland interwoven with information borrowed from Michael Bute's A Town Like Alice's, whose thesis is that the immortal Alice books were inspired by Lewis Carroll's regular visits to the northeast. Typical evidence: the local museum contains a stuffed walrus, the first such creature Carroll ever saw.

I have always loved anything Alice in Wonderland related, so i thought that this would be very interested however i was not expecting this full on history tour which didn't make it any less interesting. I loved how the author started the story as being a play and the way the man on stage was speaking as he was directly speaking to the read more so than the one man that came into the theatre.   


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